XFT Task Manager 4S4

The Core of Structured Work

Flexible Electronic Files with Process Management

In practically every business process, you use documents and SAP objects – from creating a contract, to hiring a new employee, and editing a quote. The more complex the process, the more difficult it is to maintain an overview. Which tasks still need to be completed? Will the deadlines be met? Have you got all necessary approvals? What have your employees already discussed with the customer?

XFT Task Manager 4S4 enables you to map your business processes in process files or gather information about your business partners, products, and other objects – all in a single system. The software combines electronic file management with functions for structured task management – integrated directly into your SAP system. In this way, you always have the information you need at a glance.

How It Works

XFT Task Manager 4S4 uses the SAP Folders Management framework, enabling you to easily integrate SAP records as well as XFT objects and documents. You determine which data from your SAP system is relevant for each record. Using folder templates, you can structure your files and processes to simplify collaboration between your employees. To store documents in the folder, you simply drag and drop them from your local file system or e-mail program. They can then be edited directly in the folder. Employees can access process files based on their role, enter tasks, and view and edit deadlines or statuses. They can also initiate approval processes and track previous process steps.

With the separate tool XFT Organizer, your employees also have a cockpit where they can keep track of all XFT files about a certain topic. Relationships and dependencies between individual files can be simply and quickly analyzed or manually expanded.


Simple document handling: All documents from connected systems are centrally available and assigned to the process where they are required.

Flexible process management: You map tasks and process steps in a structured and comprehensive way. You can adapt them to your needs at any time as well as assigning responsibilities and deadlines.

Extensive integration: You can integrate standard SAP applications as well as existing project solutions.

Versatile expandability: Add your own functions and processes – from SAP Business Workflow and your e-mail client or background processes from XFT Queue Manager 4S4, for example.

Want to find out more? Our fact sheet gives you a brief overview of all functions and useful information.

All Data and Every Process in One Place

XFT’s digital process files allow you to incorporate data from your SAP applications, such as master data for materials, personnel, and business partners. Office documents, web content, appointments, notes, and more can also be included. This enables you to consolidate all information in a central location and have full control over your processes.

Companies That Use XFT Products

A wide variety of industries, all with similar challenges – these companies simplify their daily work with XFT products from the Core Products & Tools category.

See the full list of XFT references here.

Other Core Products and Tools from XFT

XFT Queue Manager 4S4
Handle background processes consistently, reliably, and transparently.
  • Make background processes more efficient.
  • Ensure system availability.
  • Reduce error rate significantly.
XFT Compliance Cycle 4S4
Easily customize and create your own approval processes.
  • Automate approval processes.
  • Define individual process routes.
  • Document every step in line with legal requirements.
XFT Document Composer 4S4
Create your correspondence automatically with Word, Excel or PDF - based on your SAP data.
  • Create documents in a secure SAP process environment.
  • Avoid external steps and switching between systems in daily work.
  • Create new templates easily.
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