Our Suite Principle

Software That Grows with Your Needs

XFT Add-on Suite: Developed with Customers, for Customers

The XFT Add-on Suite combines our software products for integrating documents, files, and processes in SAP systems. Instead of a static portfolio, the suite is more like a living organism. We constantly enhance our products and adapt them to new requirements. We add new capabilities to them and remove old ones that are no longer needed. You could describe it as an evolution that is always oriented to the actual needs of our customers.

A Solid Core: XFT Core Products

Our core products and tools provide important basic functions for controlling business processes, and connect central systems and documents. They are the starting point for optimizing your SAP processes.

Specific Application Products

On top of our stable core there are software products for the key application areas in your company. These include products that make your sales team more effective, support quality management, ensure compliance with legal requirements for contract management, and make your HR department’s life easier.

The XFT Add-on Suite has constantly grown over time – oriented toward the needs of our customers.

Want to find out more about the individual areas of application? Choose an area

Human Resource Management
Purchasing & Legal
Products & Quality
Sales & Service

Planned Evolution: Guiding Principles of the Development

Version 1.05 of XFT Add-on Suite was released in 2004. In the time between, many new products have been added, and existing products have been improved. During development, we make sure the updates remain as simple as possible for our customers. For example, we ensure our customers can use XFT innovations even without regular SAP upgrades.

Our guiding principles:

Every XFT product was developed to solve a real challenge of one of our customers. Most of the time, these are challenges that many other companies have also faced – and that’s why we develop standardized products to solve them.

In the past at SAP, we supported the development of central, core components for document management. At XFT, we use our expertise to create end-to-end applications that don’t just focus on individual problems, but simplify entire processes.

There’s no point in blindly following every single trend. That’s why we focus on innovative SAP technology as soon as they offer clear benefits. And we only recommend to you what we are convinced of ourselves.

It’s important to us to forge close partnerships with our customers. This requires mutual trust, and trust requires that we keep the long-term future of your business in mind. That’s why future-proofing and compatibility are top priorities for us.

SAP Certifications

„SAP® Integration with RISE with SAP S/4HANA® Cloud“ for deployment on SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, release 2023 via the SAP integration scenario Add-On Deployment for RISE with SAP. XFT Add-on Suite 4S4 Release 6.00 is certified for the following functions, among others:

  • Compatible with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition
  • Works with RISE with SAP

Installation and Upgrades: Simple and Reliable

You can install the XFT Add-on Suite and related upgrades directly from your SAP system. To do this, you use the SAP Add-On Installation Tool (transaction code: SAINT) in your SAP system. A restart is not necessary to complete this process.

“Because of regular communication with customers, XFT solutions are developed to meet customer wants and needs. Never at any time did we have any doubts that XFT was the right choice.”
Christian-Alexander Triebe, Acting Head of HR, University Hospital Göttingen

Service and Support from XFT

XFT Service Portal

Our XFT Service Portal keeps you informed about release notes, manuals, new developments, and technical documentation.

SAP Support Portal

Enter support requests for XFT components directly into the SAP Support Portal. Simply select the component “XX-PART-XFT” and your message will be sent to us automatically.


The project isn’t over once the software is delivered and installed. We ensure your employees are prepared by supporting you with effective training.

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