Service & Support

Innovation, Around the Clock

SAP Document, File, and Process Management Services

We constantly deliver top-quality innovation in the form of well-developed, software-based products. That’s what distinguishes XFT from the competition. Carefully considered software logistics and maintenance ensure easy installation and seamless upgrades. However, should you ever run into any issues, we are there for you in an instant. We’re proud that these types of occurrences are rare, as it proves that XFT software simply works.

Our Suite Principle

Innovation comes to life: How our software grows with your requirements.

“XFT thinks before acting. And that’s exactly why its solutions are no trouble during implementation. In renowned DAX and medium-sized companies, you’ll often hear: “Let’s see if we can do this with XFT first.”
Jörg Rogalla, Managing Director, CPRO Strategy Process & Integration GmbH

Service and Support from XFT

XFT Service Portal

Our XFT Service Portal keeps you informed about release notes, manuals, new developments, and technical documentation.

SAP Support Portal

Enter support requests for XFT components directly into the SAP Support Portal. Simply select the component ‘XX-PART-XFT’ and your message will be sent to us automatically.


The project isn’t over once the software is delivered and installed. We ensure your employees are prepared by supporting you with effective training.

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