Your Future in the Digital Working World

Work in Sales and Back Office

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Your Path to a Career in Sales or Back Office

Our software solutions help companies simplify their business processes. Internally, we work with clear structures and direct processes. Conventional business operations form the foundation for our success in the digital age. Enhance your skills with us in our sales department or back office.

Our Areas of Expertise

Our services, products, and expertise in SAP technologies enable us to provide solutions for digitalization and automation in traditional business areas, as well as to address industry- and process-specific requirements.

Specific Solutions
Human Resource Management
Purchasing & Legal
Products & Quality
Sales & Service

Current vacancies (German language only)

ab sofort

Marketing Manager (m/w/d)

More information
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If you are interested, please send your CV to

Please contact: Antonia Kittelmann
phone: +49 151 53855156

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