Executive Management

Staying True to Our Values

Former SAP Developers at the Helm for XFT

It’s important to stand up for certain beliefs. For years, the four executive managers at XFT were in charge of developing central core components at SAP. But at the start of the millennium, it was clear that SAP wanted to shift its focus. For these four employees, it was clear that document management was still a decisive driver of digital business processes – and must remain closely connected with SAP technology.

This philosophy led to the foundation of the software company XFT in early 2002. The founders still run the company today – with the same values and drive as back then.

Dr. Torsten Fenske

Dr. Torsten Fenske leads the development department at XFT alongside Dr. Norbert Schroeder. He is also responsible for quality management. In this dual role, he ensures that XFT innovations meet the highest standards from the outset. Software logistics and human resources are also part of Fenske’s duties.

Volker Kohlstetter

Sales, consulting and marketing at XFT are run by Volker Kohlstetter. He works closely with his team members to ensure that every offer can be carried out under realistic terms. Prior to founding XFT, Kohlstetter worked for SAP in the fields of document integration and business workflows, including development, training, product management, and project work.

Gerhard Scherer

Gerhard Scherer is in charge of the consulting, finance, and legal departments at XFT as well as the executive management at the North American subsidiary XFT Inc. In addition to this, Scherer oversees product development for XFT Personnel File. Even before his ten-year stint in development at SAP, Scherer was responsible for document management system implementation and consulting. At SAP, he designed and developed SAP ArchiveLink. As well as leading the development of the product, he also headed the product management for business processes technology at SAP for several years.

Dr. Norbert Schroeder

Dr. Norbert Schroeder leads XFT’s development department with Dr. Torsten Fenske and also takes charge of facility management and internal systems. Prior to his role with XFT, Schroeder was responsible for development, product management, and software architecture at SAP. Schroeder is the mastermind behind SAP Knowledge Provider (SAP KPro) and the service provider framework that SAP Records Management, SAP Folder Management, and SAP Case Management are based on. He co-developed both tools during his time at SAP.

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