XFT Machine File 4S4

Manage machines effortlessly

Improve service – identify problems quickly

Many complex machines lead a long life at the customer’s site. That’s why predictive maintenance and repair and fast service in the event of machine breakdowns are essential. XFT Machine File 4S4 is now available to bring together all SAP documents and records for a machine in a central location from the very beginning. This allows you to keep an overview of all work that has been carried out on the machine and where the machine has been used.

How it works

With XFT Machine File 4S4 you can keep track of the machines you produce even after the sale. All documents, images and SAP documents from the sales and production process relevant for service are stored in the machine file. Current service notifications and orders are also automatically linked. At a glance, you can see via the SAP Fiori interfaces the current status of the machine or display it using the search functions.

Machine files are created automatically and can be searched for in a central cockpit. Relevant information from the sales process is automatically transferred. Files with damage patterns and error descriptions are stored via drag & drop, for example from your file system or directly from your email client.


Perfect transparency: You have an overview of all open service processes and necessary repair work.

More efficient processing of service notifications: Quickly grasp previous services and installed components..

Uniform search: With the central search and filter function you can easily find all information on relevant machines.

Integration with XFT Sales Manager 4S4: Offer, for example, an overview of all machines sold to the respective customer in the corresponding file.

Want to find out more? Our factsheet gives you a brief overview of all functions and useful information.

Fully integrated into the SAP system

Simply monitor your sold machines centrally with XFT Machine File 4S4. With one click you can navigate directly from the machine file to an SAP transaction. You can view master data on the machine or details of service notifications.

These companies use XFT products

An overview of all XFT references can be found here.

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