Human Resource Management

The Employee Cycle from A to Z

Perfect Your Documentation and Processes for Personnel Management

The role of the HR department is changing rapidly. It is supposed to manage less, promote more talent, and support the corporate strategy. But how can this work if personnel processes are still as time-consuming as ever? If you use SAP HR solutions, you already have the foundations for success. XFT helps you along the rest of the way. With our add-ons, you incorporate all relevant parties for personnel processes – from employees to the works council and managers. In addition, you centralize all important tasks. This enables you to save time and free up resources for more strategic HR activities.

With XFT HCM Suite 4S4 you are able to:

Manage and accelerate all personnel processes throughout the company.

Create, manage and digitally sign personnel documents in a centralized system.

Access all employee data securely in your familiar SAP environment.

Comply with all legal requirements easily, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Answer questions about employee data faster and more reliably.

Products of XFT HCM Suite 4S4

Finally, you have all the documents, information, and processes for personnel management in one place – whether you already use SAP H4S4 or SAP SuccessFactors or SAP ERP Human Capital Management (SAP ERP HCM). With XFT add-ons, you can get more out of the systems you already have as quickly as possible. And if your requirements grow, you can add further products or individual solutions.

XFT Personnel File 4S4
Digitize your personnel files.
  • View and edit all relevant documents on all employees at any time.
  • Ensure compliance at all times.
  • Set up self-service access for employees.
XFT Personnel Manager 4S4
Consistent control over all your HR processes.
  • Model individual processes simply.
  • Automatically allocate tasks.
  • Access all relevant documents securely from a centralized platform.
XFT Zeugnismanager 4S4
Create employee references faster and more easily.
  • Avoid legal errors when creating certificates.
  • Simplify appraisals with a clear grading system.
  • Write references faster with pre-formulated text modules.
XFT Document Composer 4S4
Create your correspondence automatically with Word, Excel or PDF - based on your SAP data.
  • Create documents in a secure SAP process environment.
  • Avoid external steps and switching between systems in daily work.
  • Create new templates easily.

NEW: Integration into SAP SuccessFactors

In addition to the SAP ERP HCM system, SAP has released SAP SuccessFactors – its cloud-based HR solution. The focus is on the entire employee lifecycle, from recruiting, onboarding, and payment to training and succession planning. The new XFT product releases are designed for this purpose and can be seamlessly integrated into SAP SuccessFactors solutions.

XFT products expand and enhance SAP functions for personnel management.

Want to know how XFT can support you with human resource management? Read our quick facts for all key information at a glance.

Customized Development

If your human resources processes are unique and specifically tailored to your operation – no problem! In addition to our application products, we develop and integrate customized solutions into your SAP system. Based on our well-established core products and tools, individual solutions can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively.

Why Choose XFT for Human Resources?

Placing your trust in SAP software pays off even more when you choose XFT as your partner. Our products for personnel management can be implemented without the need for large-scale IT projects. They also enhance your existing system with useful new functions and interfaces. Where you previously would have switched between applications and performed routine steps manually, XFT products enable you to work in a single system – in a faster, more efficient, and clearer way.

That’s the XFT guarantee and it means that right from the beginning of a project, you learn exactly what benefits you can expect. If you have unique requests, we will work together to find a solution.

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