Training Courses

Adding Value through Knowledge


The dates for our spring training courses 2025 can be found below. The training courses will take place on site in Walldorf. You can register via the booking form. If you have any questions, please contact

Training courses are held in German only!

Training Courses and Education for XFT Software

Already implemented your XFT software? Congratulations! Now, if your users and administrators participate in training, you can take full advantage of the benefits right away. The choice is yours: We offer standard training courses for specific XFT products at our offices in Walldorf and Berlin. Or you can opt for personalized training on your company premises, where course content is tailored to your project and the participants’ needs. Whichever you choose, every training course is led by experienced project managers and instructors from XFT.

Info on XFT Training courses

XFT offers the trainings twice a year – once on site in Walldorf or Berlin and once remote.

The virtuel XFT trainings will take place via MS Teams Meeting. Exercises can be done via virtual desktop on our training systems. To participate in the trainings, there are the following technical requirements:

  • Meetings with MS Teams must not be blocked.
  • For the virtual desktop you need a current browser (e.g. Google Chrome; Microsoft Edge; Mozilla Firefox or similar), Microsoft Internet Explorer is not supported. However, local installations are not necessary.
  • If you participate in the training from a company network, please make sure with your network administration that websockets are allowed for our IP address. You will receive the exact IP address on request.
  • A working microphone is strongly recommended to improve interaction.

A technical test can be done in advance.

Current training dates for spring 2025 (on site in Walldorf):

XFT-100: XFT Queue Manager: May 12 – 13, 2025

XFT-150: XFT Compliance Cycle: May 14 – 15, 2025

XFT-200: XFT Task Manager: May 20 – 22, 2025

XFT-400: XFT Document Composer: June 03 – 05, 2025

All Training Courses at a Glance

Duration: On-site 2 days (2 x 1 PD) / remote 3 days (3 x 0.5 PD)

Language: German

This course is aimed at:

  • Consultants who want to gain an overview of the suite’s functional capabilities
  • Project staff involved in implementations
  • IT employees who are responsible for XFT products and solutions

Essential knowledge: Basic SAP knowledge

Recommended knowledge: Prior knowledge of workflow and document management in SAP systems

Goals: By taking part in this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental ideas, concepts, and technologies behind the XFT Add-on Suite. You will get to know its core products and components and their capabilities, learn to assess potential deployment scenarios and implementation alternatives in projects, and find out about typical deployment scenarios and approaches.


  • Workflow and process methodology
  • Document management
  • Aspects of integration
  • Basic knowledge of core products, including XFT Queue Manager, XFT Task Manager, XFT Compliance Cycle, XFT Document Composer, and others
  • Examples of scenarios from XFT application products, such as personnel files, sales files, incoming invoice management, contract management, and more
  • The course focuses on both the conceptual side and the functionality of the suite – introductory aspects of configuration will be discussed.

Software release: XFT Add-on Suite 6.00

Duration: On-site 2 days (2 x 1 PD) / remote 3 days (3 x 0.5 PD)

Language: German

This course is aimed at: Project teams, application developers

Essential knowledge: ABAP Objects

Recommended knowledge: SAP Basis

Goals: After attending this course, you will be able to set up queues for XFT Queue Manager, perform customization, carry out administrative tasks, and develop new queue processes.


  • XFT Queue Manager use cases
  • XFT Queue Manager architecture
  • XFT Queue Manager customization
  • Queue administration during operation
  • XFT Queue Manager archiving concept
  • Development of new queue processes (with a programming exercise)

Software release: XFT Add-on Suite 6.00

Please note: The main part of the course deals with customizing and administration of XFT Queue Manager. In the last part of the training, we practice the development of new queue processes.

Duration: On-site 2 days (2 x 1 PD) / remote 3 days (3 x 0.5 PD)

Language: German

This course is aimed at: Project staff involved in implementation and configuration of the existing solution

Recommended knowledge: SAP Basis and prior experience with XFT Queue Manager

Goals: By attending the course, you will learn how to set up approval processes with XFT Compliance Cycle, configure existing cycles, and administer running cycles.


  • XFT Compliance Cycle use cases
  • XFT Compliance Cycle functions
  • XFT Compliance Cycle customization
  • XFT Compliance Cycle administration during operation

Software release: XFT Add-on Suite 6.00

Please note: The XFT registry will be used frequently during this course. This topic is covered in detail in the training course for XFT Queue Manager.

Duration: On-site 3 days (3 x 1 PD) / remote 5 days (5 x 0.5 PD)

Language: German

This course is aimed at: Project staff involved in implementation and configuration of the existing solution

Recommended knowledge: SAP Basis

Goals: After taking part in this course, you will be able to set up models for XFT Task Manager, configure records, and activate basic functions. You will also understand fundamental concepts, such as synchronization, for customizing existing task manager solutions.


  • XFT Task Manager architecture
  • XFT Task Manager customization
  • Administration of existing task manager solutions

Software release: XFT Add-on Suite 6.00

Duration: On-site 3 days (3 x 1 PD) / remote 4 days (4 x 0.5 PD)

Language: German

This course is aimed at: Users and template managers from different business areas, particularly:

  • Project staff who are responsible for creating and adding templates during the implementation of XFT Document Composer
  • Users and customers who want to gain some initial insights into the capabilities of XFT Document Composer
  • Users and customers who want to learn how to manage templates in XFT Document Composer

Essential knowledge: Good practical experience with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel (version 2010 or higher)

Recommended knowledge: Knowledge of SAP Basis

Goals: After taking part in this course, you will be able to use all standard functions of XFT Document Composer and create and manage templates.


  • Creating and editing documents using Form Dashboard, and a step-by-step guide on forms
  • Creating templates using Mapping Editor
  • Attaching new templates and maintaining existing templates using Template Manager
  • Managing attachments using Template Manager and adding attachments to templates

Software release: XFT Add-on Suite 6.00

Please note: Knowledge of ABAP is not required for this course.

Duration: On-site 2 days (2 x 1 PD) / remote 3 days (3 x 0.5 PD)

Language: German

This course is aimed at: Application developers and consultants, particularly:

  • Project staff who are implementing XFT Document Composer as a document creation solution
  • Users and customers who want to gain some initial insights into the technical capabilities of XFT Document Composer

Essential knowledge: Basic knowledge of ABAP Objects

Recommended knowledge: XFT Document Composer (User Training), XFT Queue Manager, and XFT registry

Goals: After taking part in this course, you will be able to set up standard functions, customize document creation to customer-specific processes, extend existing data retrieval functions, and develop customer-specific data retrieval functions.


  • An overview of XFT Document Composer
  • Core customization and application customization
  • Form Dashboard and research
  • Form frontend and backend
  • Serial letters
  • Data provider design and development

Software Release: XFT Add-on Suite 6.00

Please note: This course focuses on customization and development.

Book Training Today

I would like to officially sign up for the following training course:

Anmeldung zur XFT-Schulung
weitere Person
abweichende Rechnungsadresse
Datenschutz/AGB *

Book Training Today

The training courses are only in German. Please contact us for more information about booking specific training courses in English via email:

Important Information Regarding Your Booking

XFT training courses cost €500 (plus VAT) per person per day. For half-day trainings 250€ (plus VAT) per person per half-day.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept telephone bookings, but we would be happy to answer any questions you may have: +49 6227 54555 0

After registration, you will receive confirmation of your booking via email within two weeks. If you then still haven’t received confirmation, please contact us at:

You can cancel your booking by post, fax, or e-mail. If we receive your cancellation less than 14 calendar days prior to the start of the course, we will charge you 50 percent of the course fee. If we receive your cancellation less than three working days before the start of the course, you will be charged the full fee.

We reserve the right to cancel training courses for organizational reasons. In this case, you will not be charged a fee for the training. You will not be refunded for any costs exceeding the course fee.

You May Also Be Interested in: Service and Support from XFT

XFT Service Portal

Our XFT Service Portal keeps you informed about release notes, manuals, new developments, and technical documentation.

SAP Support Portal

Enter support requests for XFT components directly into the SAP Support Portal. Simply select the component ‘XX-PART-XFT’ and your message will be sent to us automatically.

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